Jennifer Lawrence shared this recipe with Amy Schumer on The Food Network...
Make Kris Jenner's diet-friendly chocolate brownie recipe, blending indulgence with simple ingredients for a comforting dessert. Perfect for any occasion!
One of Khloé Kardashian's most popular recipes is her "Khloé’s Famous Mac and Cheese."
The singer came across Ina Garten's recipe for Meatballs and Spaghetti and it quickly became a favorite
Enjoy a refreshing taste of Rihanna's favorite no-cook dish, the Chickpea Salad. This is an easy-to-make dish.
Discover Beyoncé Knowles' vegan diet with her avocado and black bean salad. Try this fresh, healthy recipe inspired by her 22-day challenge.
Jessica Alba created this delightful recipe for Apple Banana Bread Pudding that's both gluten and dairy-free.
Discover how to make a classic old-fashioned apple pie like celebrity cook Martha Stewart
This Avocado Pasta recipe is a standout favorite of hers that went viral. Try it and you'll know why!
Discover Julia Roberts' delightful Fresh Peach Crisp, a testament to her Southern roots and culinary flair. Perfect for cozy family evenings.